Hello friend,
I've been taking a little mental health break this past week, resting, trying to relieve the unbelievable amount of stress I manage to put upon myself and resting. Let's talk more about mental health in general because these are complex and difficult times, and everyone has their struggles.
We need to normalise taking the time to rest, practice self-care, cook good meals, listen to music that revives the soul, do the things we love, talk to some friends, keep active and get out into the sunshine occasionally.
I hope you are taking the time to look after yourself, too. After all, we are the most essential things in our lives; we can't do too much unless we take good care of ourselves.
If I feel low, one of the first things I do is get outside and walk around my little Sicilian paese. Apart from getting the benefits of some light exercise and vitamin D, I also take time off my computer and phone to reset, rest my eyes and try to observe the world around me.
I'm not kidding you when I say every time I walk around Sinagra, I notice something that I never noticed before, even though it's been my home for two decades now.
These walks are more than exercise or observations; I am reminded of things that I can only ever see or experience here, so it's also an invitation to express gratitude.
Many psychologists encourage the practice of gratitude to bring positivity into daily life. And it's not a forced positivity, which can also be toxic. Still, instead, it's about looking at your life and realising what things you already have in your life as they are, being aware of the small joys you have, the relationships around you, and your personal space. After all, you can't put energy into spiralling into depression if you are feeling grateful for everything you have around you.
I am always aware that living in Sicily is a privilege many people dream of, so I always take the time to photograph little images that remind me of things that are so typically Sicilian that they warm my heart and make me feel grateful.
So this week I thought I'd make a kind of photographic essay from one of my Sicilian passeggiate, to give you a sense of this enigmatic and picturesque paese.
I'm always aware of the irregularity of Sicilian towns; homes are rubbing and leaning on one another, and you will have falling down abandoned houses next to new ones, small patches of greenery next to railings and stairways in a crazy collage of textures and colours. Each paese is like a randomly evolving artwork.
Everything that grows from the ground or out of pot plants seems to thrive in Sicily. My neighbour has flowers cascading from her balconies throughout the year. There is this one lady with these potted orchids, a flower that is notoriously difficult to grow, yet every time I walk by, her orchids are always thriving. Unbelievably beautiful. Flowers seem more vibrant, fragrant, and evergreen here, and even in the winter, there is always some greenery to admire.
I'll never get over how adorable some small Sicilian front doors are; some are tiny, so cute. They seem like hobbit holes, always clean, well-kept and decorated with plants.
There are always so many padlocked gardens filled with so much character. These secret gardens are tempting to explore, but they are always locked.
Even the abandoned palazzi have their own story to tell. They seem sad, dilapidated, with faded facades, balconies, and overgrown moss. Even though they are dangerous, fenced off and condemned, I still like these grand old dames from a grander past.
Sometimes, it's frustrating to climb stairs in this Sicilian paese continuously, as most are built on strategic hillsides, mountaintops or valleys but it is good exercise. And there are so many rooftops to look down upon. Mountains and those characteristic rooftops always mark Sicilian panoramas.
I love the Sicilian tradition of hanging something on their front door to announce a new arrival. A new baby boy has been born in this home.
The staircases can be just as irregular as the buildings; you are constantly climbing up. Yet there is beauty in them, too.
I enjoy these local run stores that display their wares. Can you guess what Francesco Mancuso Ferramenta sells?
There is nothing like a little bit of Sicilian sarcasm and frustration expressed on this handwritten sign on a front door that opens onto the street, where people tend to park their cars. It reads: 'At least let us come in and out, leave the door free.'
Thanks for coming along on my walk this week.
That's all from Sicily for now.
With love
Sometimes, I talk about Sicily.
Other times, I talk about whatever is on my mind.
My writing is always lightning, the mental load and sharing something of my thoughts with you.
I hope you enjoy the randomness of A Load Off My Mind.
Please share this post with someone you think might enjoy it.
I love walking along with you and seeing the sights! Thank you. I love the form, shapes, textures and colors. The houses are fascinating on such slopes!! Goodness! Great exercise for sure!
Also, the flowers are fabulous.
Thanks a lot Jenny. Happy you enjoyed walking along with me🤗