#111 Pasta di Mandorla: an iconic Sicilian Easter sweet
Hello friend,
Many of Sicily's sweets and desserts were created inside convent walls dedicated to commemorating religious celebrations.
The delightfully cinematographic image of an industrious nun innovating and mixing up new decadent inventive creations from the Frutta Martorana, marzipan which is moulded into tiny sculptures to the tantalising Minni di Sant Agata, tiny little white Saint Agata breasts, ricotta filled sweets complete with little red cherry nipples.
The convents were supplied with high-quality local ingredients such as fresh ricotta cheese, almonds, pistachios and, above all, sugar. The sisters had the time to experiment, and thanks to the excuse of religious celebrations and Saint days, they could express their culinary expertise. It is beautiful to imagine these women subtly shaping Sicily's sweet tooth.
One of the well-known Sicilian creations is the 'Pasti I Mennula', a true classic of Sicily's confectionary from Messina province. Not to be confused with the basic almond meal biscotti, the Pasta di Mandorle is made with a simple shortcrust pastry, generally in a moon shape or ravioli form, covered by icing made from sugar, egg whites and lemon juice, and finally, decorated with colourful sprinkles or dark chocolate.
The magic comes from inside this super sweet bomb, which is heaped with sugary goodness, potentially causing teeth to rot and diabetes-induced sugar levels.
The Pasta di Mandorle is at the apex of Sicilian Baroque decadence; perhaps the nuns were sick of their fasting and daily sacrifices and heaped in as much glucose as they possibly could into these little pockets of sweetness.
The dough is light and white, only lightly browning in a moderate oven. It is made with all-purpose flour and hardly any sugar, as the filling is made from a sweet almond confection flavoured with orange peel and cinnamon. The pastry is mixed with milk and strutto lard, two traditional ingredients that are a staple of these conventional Sicilian recipes.
The pastry is filled with crushed almonds, which have been turned into a type of marmalade, cooked up together with syrupy white sugar, flavoured with cinnamon, often paired with a mixture of candid orange, lemon and citron peel and small pieces of dark chocolate.
Predominately prepared for Easter, the Pasta di Mandorle were also used by young lovers when proposing marriage; the biscuits would be used as a gift for prospective in-laws.Â
The origins of the Paste are found deep in the Sicilian province of Messina, in the ancient village of Ficarra. The Ficarrese hold tightly and jealously onto the original recipe.
There is also an extra sweet variation made in the nearby town of Sant Angelo di Brolo; the Buccaneddi have a slightly rounded form and are filled with sugary jam made from pumpkin, which is nauseatingly sweet but is regarded as an exceptional delicacy.
The town of Ficarra has a history which dates back to the Norman period; the name of the city was first mentioned in an official court document from 1082 in Sicily, ruled by the French Count Roger the First.
Today, this beautiful medieval town looks out at the Aeolian Islands from a strategic position high up on the Nebrodi mountains, in the same idealistic spot it has been for centuries. Luckily, this place and other towns dotted around the island still proudly hold onto their traditional recipes. Small towns like Ficarra are treasured little pockets of ancient Sicily, sadly disappearing.
15 seconds from Sicily
I've been concentrating on gratitude by focusing on those moments that bring me joy during an ordinary day. I have taken photos and videos and have started writing things down to remind me to be grateful and appreciate the present moment.
Then, it dawned on me that some images and videos might be fun to share with you. They reflect the beauty of my daily life in a small town in Sicily.
I've begun posting some of these short videos and posts on Instagram, but I'll post these little moments here, too, so I can share a small dose of Sicily with you.
Please keep in mind I make these videos with my phone so they appear as so called ‘vertical video’ rather than the more aesthetically pleasing ‘horizontal video.’
I will try to remember to turn my phone to its side whenever I can, so it will be better for you to see in this format. For now I’ve been thinking only of Instagram which prefers the vertical format.
Today, it's about the beautiful Spring sunshine, taking the time for a chat and buying your vegetables from the back of a truck. All so typically Sicilian.
I hope you will enjoy the videos.
From your friend in Sicily.
P.S: Please share this post with anyone you think would be interested. This helps a lot.
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Sometimes, I talk about Sicily.
Other times, I talk about whatever is on my mind.
My writing is always lightning, the mental load and sharing something of my thoughts with you.
I hope you enjoy the randomness of A Load Off My Mind which is a writerly diary of sorts.